Cote ベスト D'Azur Concerts On Verve

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(中古品)Cote D'Azur Concerts On Verve: 商品のブランド【商品説明】 ※商品状態の程度については記載の商品状態(やや傷や汚れあり、など)にてご確認ください。 ●掲載されている商品写真はイメージ写真となっております。外箱、説明書等は付属しない場合がございます。●商品ページを作成する際にメーカーサイト等のコメントを引用している事がありますので外箱、説明書等は付属しない場合がございます。用途機能として最低限の付属品はお送りしております。●イヤホン・カートリッジ・インクなど消耗品に関しましては基本付属していません。リモコン、ケーブル、BCASカード、カバー等は付属しない場合、純正ではない場合があります。また互換品の可能性があります。●コミック、CD,DVDはレンタルアップ品の場合もございます。●お届け:受注後に再メンテ、梱包します。発送は2日-7日営業日程度とお考えください。※商品写真や説明文は代表的なものを掲載している為、状態が違う場合がございます。気になる方はお気軽にお問い合わせくださサイズ 高さ : 1.37 cm 横幅 : 12.63 cm 奥行 : 14.09 cm 重量 : 80.0 g ※梱包時のサイズとなります。商品自体のサイズではございませんのでご注意ください。 セラーコード:X00000AFEM レビュー This eight-CD set is a sleek affair, packaged in a plain-Jane, silver-ribbed box with just a peephole in the center. The peephole, though, looks in on the fluorescent jewel cases, each of which faithfully reproduces fantastic Duke Ellington and Ella Fitzgerald sets from July 1966 at France's Cote d'Azur. The Ellington tunes show his orchestra in long form, taking multiple sets (with some tune repetition across the CDs) and thriving in Ellington and Billy Strayhorn's tightly scripted ensemble sections. This is some fairly standard Ellington for the era, with hard-flying solos from Paul Gonsalves and myriad others. What's great is the ability to really dig in to the band, hear it work, set after set, on the tunes and the polyphonic interplay of the ensemble's sections. And then there's the eighth CD, which presents a band rehearsal with Ellington doing what drove some mad: humming sections to instruct the band, calling out key changes quickly and sounding altogether like a practitioner of an oral tradition in musical pedagogy. It's awesome to hear him and the band, banter and all. Then there are the Ella Fitzgerald sets, which are possibly the better portion here. Fitzgerald sounds mightily driven, sometimes almost boundary breaking in her execution. Vocally, she's both tight and loose, brimming with turns of phrase and belting lyrics with popping exactness. The dates caught on this box aren't regarded as the greatest for either of the marquee artists, but in terms of the sheer quality of music and their fullness of vision, Fitzgerald's tunes vie with anything else she did in her career. Sure, many of the tunes are fast and jumping, but their propulsion is largely thanks to Fitzgerald's heightened sense of play. The spiral-bound booklet accompanying this box set is a treat, with all its pop-art slyness and off-the-cuff frankness. --Andrew Bartlett

残り 4 12,575円

(572 ポイント還元!)

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お届け日: 11月26日〜指定可 (明日14:00のご注文まで)

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