gemhub 2.95 ベスト Ct Egl Certified Pear Cut Natural Green Emerald Loose Gemstone Jewelry Making DX-896

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商品情報詳細は下部に記載がございます。◆ 新品のインポート商品となります。【大口発注お任せください】通常5〜14営業日の納期をいただいております。承認メールで予定納期を連絡いたしますのでご確認をお願いいたします。◆海外からの輸送に伴い、外箱に傷みが生じたり、税関で開封されたりする場合がございます。◆説明書等が付属している場合は基本的に英語表記となり、メーカー保証はございません。電波法上の技術基準に適合する必要がある無線機器類商品の場合は、商品により日本で使用されますと電波法に違反する場合がありますので十分にご注意ください。経験豊かなスタッフによる丁寧な検品と配送担当者との連携により、心からご満足いただけるサービスをご提供します。 ■税関手続き、関税支払い等すべて当店で対応させていただいております。ご安心のうえお買い求めください。Emerald is the most famous member of the beryl family. Legends endowed the wearer with the ability to foresee the future when emerald was placed under the tongue, as well as to reveal truth and be protected against evil spells. Emerald was once also believed to cure diseases like cholera and malaria. Wearing an emerald was believed to reveal the truth or falseness of a lover’s oath as well as make one an eloquent speaker.Use a soft micro-fiber cloth to remove the oil and dirt accumulated on the emerald jewelry. Do not use an ultrasonic cleaner on emerald jewelry. Ultrasonic devices and commercial jewelry cleaners will remove the oils that the emeralds have been treated with and will cause damage to the gemstones. Always put your jewelry on after you’ve applied make-up, hairspray or perfume, or the chemicals may damage the emeralds.Few people outside the gem industry realize the true nature of a gemstone’s journey from the mine to the counter of a store. Whether the gem is being offered to consumer’s at a traditional jewelry store’s counter, an internet shopping site, or a television broadcast the journey always involves a great deal of effort. Tons of earth and countless hours of labor are needed to being a gem from mine to market.Our Expert gemologists verified this Green Emerald which passed many quality base tests and get stone certified through which we are completely assured of Top Quality Gemstone. Only after that, we deliver stones to you because we also, care about your loved ones.Perfect For: Jewelers, Jewelry makers, Goldsmiths, Designers, Craftsmen, Collectors or a gift for the special one. Each and every stone is unique and you will receive ones similar to the image shown.説明: Emerald is the green to a greenish-blue variety of beryl, a mineral species that also includes aquamarine as well as beryls in other colors. Gem experts differ on the degree of green that makes one stone an emerald and another stone less-expensive green beryl. Some people in the trade tend to give the name emerald to any green beryl colored by chromium. But to most gemologists, gemological laboratories, and colored stone dealers, it is more correct to call a stone green beryl when its color is "too light" for it to be classified as emerald. Even among that group, however, there's a difference of opinion about what's considered "too light." Emerald’s lush green has soothed souls and excited imaginations since antiquity. Its name comes from the ancient Greek word for green, “smaragdus.” Rome’s Pliny the Elder described emerald in his Natural History, published in the first century AD: “nothing greens greener” was his verdict. He described the use of emerald by early lapidaries, who “have no better method of restoring their eyes than by looking at the emerald, its soft, green color comforting and removing their weariness and lassitude.” Even today, the color green is known to relieve stress and eye strain.カテゴリー: メーカー: Hamlet e commerceブランド: GEMHUB高さ: 10.2 センチ幅: 6.4 センチ奥行: 2.4 センチ重量: 0.0 Kg

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